Thursday, July 21, 2011

You've Gotta Check Out: PINTEREST

I have a certain knack for stumbling upon things that are really cool and on occasion useful and I like to share my discoveries with others. For instance, I was the first person to introduce Pandora to the bus stop moms several years ago. They had no idea what Pandora was or how something so free could be so cool! Today, Pandora is a household name like Kleenex. (Let me know if you don't know about Pandora and I'll give you the scoop.)

So I thought it a good idea to share my "came-upon" lovely little accidents while I cruise the web and the world, hence the title category: You've Gotta Check Out: Insert Cool Discovery Here. For my first installment, I'd like to introduce Pinterest. Here's the concept: imagine you have a bunch of cork boards on your wall and you make each board a particular category: things you love like food, fashion, party ideas, etc. Then, let's say you're browsing a magazine and find a pair of stilettos that you would give your eye-teeth for. You rip out the photo and pin it to your cork board entitled "Fashion" because you really want to drool over those shoes and remember them. Now, replace the cork board for a virtual one, and replace the ripped out magazine photo for a virtual photo grabbed from a website. If you get this, then you get Pinterest. The really neat part is whatever you "Pin" gets sent to your Facebook and Twitter account as well. Pinterest makes it so easy. You have to download this little button called "Pin It" and place it in your bookmark toolbar. Whenever you're looking around on the internet and find a photo you like or that inspires, just hit the "Pin It" button. Pinterest will ask you what board you want it pinned to and, voila!, you've got it! It's a nice little way to keep all the internet photo findings you love organized and in one place. Your pins can also inspire others as Pinterest members can "repin" your own pins. How cool is that? Seriously, check out this cool and free site. Check out my own boards and pins to see an example of how it all comes together. If you decide to get "on board", pun intended, then go ahead and "Follow" me on Pinterest. I'll be sure to do the same for you.

*I am in no way, unfortunately, paid for recommending any websites, products, or apps. The opinions and experiences from my recommendations are strictly my own. So don't blame me if you don't like it.

Do you have any awesome discoveries, web-based or otherwise, that you'd like to share?

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