Friday, April 20, 2012

Goodbye Week. Hello Weekend. Lessons Learned: Take 43.

Goodbye long week of busyness and happenings.
Goodbye school program, Evening of Art and Music: the kids rocked the house with their musical talents and made Picasso look like a chump.
Goodbye turning 40 and forging ahead to wherever life takes me.
Goodbye cool tour of the school's organ room and my son pretending to be Phantom of the Opera.
Goodbye Dick Clark and thanks for doing what you did, the way that only you could do it.

Hello long-awaited breakfast/lunch with close friends.
Hello Kohl's shopping for new shoes for all since I got the golden ticket (30% off - woo-hoo!).
Hello taking it a little slower to recuperate from the week.
Hello naps, movie-watching, and hot tea when those thunderstorms come rolling in.
Hello Baby #2's baptism and being honored godparents to such sweet angels.

This week's lesson is an easy one and more of an acknowledgement. Thank you, thank you for all the warmth and love sent my way this week as I celebrated my 40th birthday. The e-mails, cards, wall posts, comments, phone calls, and hugs just warmed my heart and made me appreciate how many people really do care. Thank you for your kind words and reminding me how important friends are to having a complete and wonderful life.

Do you have any exciting weekend plans?

Winner of the LEGO Star Wars T-shirt: Comment #1 from Pat. Congrats!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Lilly,
    Acknowledgment is a great thought. No one has ever been of being too gracious. As for taking it slower, check this out from Zen Habits.
    As for the weekend, family outing to the library for coffee and cocoa in their cafe with our reading.
    Have a great weekend.
