Thursday, April 19, 2012

On Turning 40

iPhone Cupcakes
Turning 40 years old is interesting. All the people older than 40 pat you on the back and welcome you to "the club". All the people younger than 40 just look at you, say nothing with a nod of the head, acknowledging your birthday but somehow having pity on you all at the same time.

I remember watching Oprah when she turned 40 years old and she kept saying how she's waited for this age all her life. I recall her saying that 40 is the year when you've got it together, where you've finally settled into yourself. After hearing that, I've longed to get to this age, and, you know, I think Oprah was right.

I don't pretend to have it together, or even claim to know what I want to be when I grow-up, but this I know: I know that for the last 40 years I was becoming who I am today. Now, for the next 40 years, I get to enjoy being who I've become.

A special heart-felt thank you to all those who took their time and thoughtfulness to wish me a happy birthday yesterday. Your comments, well-wishes, and e-mails truly made my day. Here's to another 40 years, and beyond!


  1. Happy Birthday, sweet Lilly! Those cupcakes look like so much fun to make, possibly even more fun to eat?

    Hope your day was blessed.

    xoxo michele

  2. 40 for me was when I started thinking, "I don't care what others think, this is what I want to do." Very liberating!
