Friday, October 26, 2012

Goodbye Week. Hello Weekend. Lessons Learned: Take 68.

I love this kid to pieces!
Goodbye week of Indian Summer; I'll miss your warmth in these upcoming winter days.
Goodbye falling leaves that just can't seem to give anyone a break.
Goodbye fading color of golds, reds, and rusts as the panaromic landscape turns grey.
Goodbye teacher conferences this week and appreciating the time teachers share with us.
Goodbye golf season and putting away the clubs until spring time.

Hello awesomely-awesome Halloween Party for kids that's sure to rock the club.
Hello spending those rockin' good times with school friends that hopefully turn into life-long friends.
Hello son's first Browns football game ever - go for the food and friends, not the football!
Hello sudden costume change as my son goes from Ninja (last year's costume) to 50's greaser.
Hello scouring the planet for a faux black leather jacket for tonight's party - I have 7 hours, wish me luck!

School projects, homework, sports, parties, friend get-togethers (can't say playdate, anymore), clubs: I know it's crazy, I know it's busy, but OMG am I going to miss all this when my son goes off to college. And when he does leave us to go off on his own, I don't want to be sad, I want to, instead, be glad for the wonderful time I had being his mom during the school years. Yes, sometimes it's crazy, but that's part of the fun! So, if you're a mom that's been run ragged these past few weeks, take a different perspective. Try to have fun with all of this because, when there isn't a cupcake to bake for a bake sale, when there isn't a party to plan for the kids, and when there isn't a game to watch in freezing, cold rain at the school field, you'll wish you would have enjoyed the time while you were living it. Enjoy it now and have no regrets later.

Happy Weekend! 

1 comment:

I am LOVD said...

Leather jacket found first place I went! THANK YOU SEARS!


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