Friday, January 11, 2013

Goodbye Week. Hello Weekend. Lessons Learned: Take 77.

Goodbye celebrating second Christmas and keeping traditions going through each generation.
Goodbye back-to-school and back-to-schedules - it's a good thing.
Goodbye rekindling my love for Downton Abbey - Season 3 begins!
Goodbye short bloggy break and realizing how much I love putting my thoughts into written words.
Goodbye experiencing good balance between work and play this week.

The winds are forever changing.
Hello bringing up tons of boxes to put away Christmas for another year.
Hello enjoying popping in a Blu-Ray and watching The Artiste with freshly popped corn with the family.
Hello trying our hand (or feet) at snowshoeing, if there's still snow to shoe on.
Hello realizing the impossibility as we go into a deep thaw with rising temps and rain.
Hello calm, quiet, and peace this weekend; reality or wishful thinking? We'll see, I guess.

My lesson learned this week is short but sweet. Sometimes you receive the blessing, but other times YOU are the blessing. When blessings are bestowed on us, it's a wonderful thing that we can enjoy and cherish. We like seeing the fruits of our labors or reaping what we sow. But, there will be times when you are placed into hard times or when you don't really like where you are or what you have to do. It may just be that He put you there, not to bless you, but rather to have you be a blessing to someone else. And, when that season is over but you stuck with it, you will be blessed for having been a blessing. 

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Ashley said...

I put up our Christmas decorations yesterday (except for the tree because I couldn't get the box down). I'm so sad the holidays are over.

Also, I'm soooo excited Downton Abbey started back--just in time for me since Parenthood is ending its season in two more episodes! I only wish there had been more of the wedding...

I am LOVD said...

I agree about not having more of the wedding, but I think it had to do with the budget (it is Master Piece theater, PBS, afterall).


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