Monday, June 11, 2012

Gratitude Journal Monday

Warning: starting a Gratitude Journal, and sticking to it, may very well, at some point during your journey, make you feel mega-guilty. I'm coming up on almost a year in starting this Gratitude Journal of mine and the surprises of good karma I've enjoyed along the way have been amazing and unbelievable. But there comes a day, it happens, so be prepared, when guilt starts to set in because becoming a truly grateful person involves conviction. Yes, that's right, conviction. You shy away from your thoughts of wanting a bigger house, a better car, an upgraded lifestyle, because it finally hits you that where you are is where your gratitude needs to reside. You begin to hold truth as important and realize how little you need to be happy. You uncover the excessiveness of how you've been living, and you don't feel so great about it. But, here's the good news: although you'll go through a period of conviction, you'll never, ever be condemned for wanting what you have or don't have. Condemnation bears no hope, but conviction does. Condemnation squashes you, but conviction raises you up. Condemnation doesn't give second chances, but conviction welcomes it and looks forward to seeing the possibilities. It's OK to feel a little guilty about what you used to want, or what you thought was so important. But practicing gratitude simplifies it all and clears the muddy waters of a fake-reality. The guilt you may feel is your conscience-meter working and it's saying you are changing your mindset and your attitude in a direction that promises fulfillment and personal growth. That's exciting and feeling a little conviction is worth the cost, don't you think?

Nothing is too big or too trivial to show gratitude towards, so thank away!

241. I am grateful we live in an area where the State Parks are amazing natural-treasures for everyone to enjoy.
242. I am grateful my parents help us out with all the mundane, back-breaking chores like staining the deck, spreading the mulch, I could go on and on.
243. I am thankful we have found a place of peace internally where we can finally live and enjoy the present instead of always pining for the future.
244. I am overwhelmed at the beauty that surrounds my daily living, where the ugliness of poverty, crime, and hunger are not part of my scenery.
245. I am grateful God has provided such variety in life where we can never be bored with living.

If you are interested in starting your own Gratitude Journal, click here and read what motivated my beginning.

Make it a great start to a great week, friends! Happy Monday.

Thank you, GrammaLuvlee, for awarding LOVD the Liebster Blog Award!

1 comment:

Blissful & Domestic said...

Thanks so much for stopping by Blissful and Domestic. I am following you back!


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