Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, America!

The freedom to have cupcakes with or without frosting.
Happy Independence Day! I hope you are celebrating with people you hold dear to your good ol' American hearts. Being the first in my family born on U.S. soil, I would like to thank my departed grandfather, my Djedo, for having the courage to leave his homeland in Europe and his family for a better life in the U.S.A. Years after establishing himself in America, he finally sent for his family so they could begin a new and better life together for themselves and for future generations. God Bless all American families everywhere and God Bless America!


As a family we made this red, white, and blue pennant streamer for the front porch made out of paint chip samples, inspired by something I saw in this month's issue of Better Homes & Gardens (July 2011). If you would like to see the instructions, just look at the post before this one, found below.

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