The days leading up to Christmas can be a difficult wait of anticipation build-up
What You'll Need
Scrapbook paper (winter themed if you prefer)
Twiggy branches
Holding container
Spray paint
What You'll Do
This is so easy, peasey. Take your cut branches and spray paint them your preferred color. I chose black because it's what I had on hand, but I would have preferred white. I think the white would have made the branches have more of an "magic-ability" quotient.
Come up with 24 fun family activities that you'd like to do together each day leading up to Christmas.
1- Welcome December with George Winston’s December CD
2- National Fritters Day and The Nutcracker Tonight
3- Light the Advent Wreath
4- Santa Letters from each of us
5- Happy Birthday, Walt Disney – let’s watch a movie!
6- Mitten Tree Day – let’s make garland
7- National Cotton Candy Day – dessert anyone?
8- Make a prayer list for those who need a boost
9- Make the popcorn! It’s a Wonderful Life
10- Light the Advent Wreath & A Christmas Concert
11- Making Citrus Pomanders – sweet smelling!
12- X-mas shopping for others expecting nothing in return
13- National Cocoa Day and sledding
14- Appetizer Dinner Party just for us
15- Gingerbread House under construction
16- White Christmas flick
17- Light the Advent Wreath
18- Feed the birds – bird fest
19- Wrap-fest & roll sword fight
20- Grinch Day – read it, watch it
21- Hanukkah Lesson – Learn the Dreidel Game?
22- Shortest Day of the year – light the Yule log, make a fire
23- Decorate the Outside Tree with our handmade ornaments
24- Twas the Night Before Christmas reading and Light the Advent Wreath
If you need to, cut your scrapbook paper down to size so it will fit into your printer and print your activities on the plain side of the paper. Go back to your document and replace each typed activity with the date (1-24) and re-run the same paper through the printer on the printed side for the numbers.
Cut each activity into strips, wrap each strip into a ring so the ends overlap and staple the ends.
What You Need to Know to Finish
Fill your container holder with rice, stuff the branches into the rice, decorate your branches with the rings, and embellish the tree to your liking. Enjoy and have fun these next 24 days!
My son will begin his own Star Wars LEGO Advent! So super exciting! Do you have any kind of Advent calendar?